Coat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and Gardens
The Sepulchral Chapel on Württemberg Hill
Monument to eternal love

Monument to eternal loveThe Sepulchral Chapel on Württemberg Hill

The Sepulchral Chapel on Württemberg Hill was built by King Wilhelm I for his wife Katharina, who died young. This is why it is considered by many lovers today to be the most romantic spot in the region – offering a magnificent view of Stuttgart.


Interior view of the sanctuary in the Sepulchral Chapel on Württemberg Hill
The ChapelA successful design
The Chapel - A successful design
Sarcophagus of Queen Katharina and King Wilhelm I in the crypt of the Sepulchral Chapel on the Württemberg
The CryptCeremonial tomb for the royal couple
The Crypt - Ceremonial tomb for the royal couple
Statue of Luke the Evangelist in the Sepulchral Chapel on Württemberg Hill.
The Four EvangelistsTwo genius sculptors at work
The Four Evangelists - Two genius sculptors at work
Selpulchral Chapel on the Württemberg Hill, the Priest's House
The priest's house and the psalmists' houseEver present
The priest's house and the psalmists' house - Ever present


If you want to see Baden-Württemberg at its most beautiful, visit the many palaces and gardens run by the state heritage agency, Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten. How about a perfectly-preserved monastery complex, such as the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Maulbronn? Or there are Heidelberg's world-famous ruins. And there's much, much more.